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Strange Sex 3

by John Bruni, Mike Lombardo, MP Johnson, Arthur Graham, Adam Millard, Rich Bottles Jr., Auralie Vierge, TruckDriving MagicMamma, Robert Tannahill, Mandy De Sandra
ISBN-13: 9781523391356
ISBN-10: 1523391359
Publication date: 2016
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Format: Paperback 220 pages

Kirk Cameron & The Crocoduck of Chaos Magick

by Mandy De Sandra
ISBN-13: 9780989227872
ISBN-10: 0989227871
Publication date: 2016
Publisher: Only RX
Format: Paperback 134 pages

David Foster Wallace's Footnotes F'd Me in the Butt

by Mandy De Sandra
ISBN-13: 9781944866105
ISBN-10: 1944866108
Publication date: 2018
Publisher: CLASH Books
Format: Paperback 131 pages

More Bizarro than Bizarro

by Leza Cantoral, Christoph Paul, Mandy De Sandra, John Wayne Communale, Daniel Vlasaty, Pedro Proenca, Rhys Hughes, MP Johnson, Konstantine Paradias, Vincenzo Bilof
ISBN-13: 9781947654037
ISBN-10: 1947654039
Publication date: 2017
Publisher: Journalstone
Format: Paperback 234 pages

Giantess Globalist Sperm War

by Mandy De Sandra
ISBN-13: 9781944866280
ISBN-10: 1944866280
Publication date: 2018
Publisher: Only RX
Format: Paperback 94 pages