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Tag: textbooks

The battle of publishers and textbook distributors against counterfeit books has been going on for quite some time now. Various laws and measures are being taken in order to prevent the distribution of counterfeit books, nevertheless, there are still many of them circulating on the market. Counterfeit books are seen as an illicit business in which criminals thrive; by making second-hand physical copies of books without authorization and then selling them off either directly to students or to textbook distributors. In most cases, they sell them at cheaper rates than the original ones.

Read more > “Anti-Counterfeit Best Practices”

Books that we read for pleasure may tell us a lot about humans and their inner world. In other words, books are mirrors of our souls. That wonderful spirit of magic and fantasy that broadens the mind helps to make real life brighter and full of sense. Of course, one cannot but mention the abundance of pros that reading a book may bring, even if we exclude that a different genre of textbooks (especially college books for studies) also teach us to analyze, retrieve facts, focus on details, and just develop our logic. 

Read more > “Scientific Facts: Why Should We Read Books?”

It’s study time! Midterms, finals, and tests are waiting to be passed, and all of them require a ton of materials for preparation. However, we’re sure that you know that all these textbooks cost way too much. And it’s quite sad that they will be just sitting on your shelf. We are happy to provide an opportunity to get rid of them—for cash! Selling college books after the term is over is one of the most certain ways to earn money as a student.

Read more > “Coupon Offer for BooksRun Apps Extended!”

You may know what subjects are the most popular among buybacks, but some particular books sell much better than all the other editions taken together. For example, many people take anatomy and physiology courses every year, but none of them would want to buy an old textbook from 1995. This list can help you make sure that you will definitely earn money on reselling textbooks and learn what ISBNs are guaranteed to bring you profit. But before selling one of these textbooks back, check our buyback condition guide to earn even more money!

Read more > “Top 5 Selling Textbook Buybacks”

If you’re interested in book scouting or reselling textbooks for profit, it might be useful for you to know what subjects are the most popular and can bring you the most cash. BooksRun experts have worked on the statistics and now can tell you what books on what topics are the most liquid and keep high buyback prices.

Read more > “The Best Selling Textbook Subjects: Top Buyback Products”

Do you know that feeling when you’re reading the same line for ten times and not grasping the sense at all? Because I do. And I’m pretty sure that’s a very common problem for students who don’t know how in the world it is possible to learn so many chapters in one night before the test (mind you, the “night” does not mean eight hours you should be sleeping).

Read more > “Am I Reading a Textbook Efficiently?”

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