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BooksRun.com recently had a flyer campaign near Brooklyn College! The students who were lucky enough to receive such a flyer could sell their textbooks for 10% more. Don’t worry if you missed that promotion, you can simply have your books quoted on the website and receive extra cash when selling old textbooks. Just make sure you’ve checked our buyback condition guide first. We have great prices for online deals, but our local prices are even better!

Read more > “BooksRun.com: Unique Offer for Brooklyn Locals”

Studying without technology and gadgets is practically impossible nowadays, and it’s only logical that students tend to use their electronic devices with or without any cause. In general, studies show that young adults spend on screens more than seven hours every day, and this fact can’t help but affect their health and well-being—mostly negatively.

Read more > “The Benefits of Unplugging: How Technology Influences Students”

Use our promo code EASTERBOOKS to receive an extra 7% when placing your next buyback order. Check this buyback condition guide to know for sure you’re getting the most out of your used textbooks. The offer is valid until (and including) March 28. Sell your textbooks and celebrate Easter with BooksRun.com!

Read more > “Are You Ready for Spring?”

Every student wants their study routine to be as efficient as it can get. Many surveys have shown that taking breaks significantly improves performance and memorization, and it has been known for quite a while that “sharpening the saw” and not letting your brain overwork helps you “cut the tree,” or get things done quicker and more effectively. It’s important to know that there is a certain time for taking breaks, which is approximately every ninety minutes, and certain activities that will allow you not to get too distracted from your studies.

Read more > “7 Easy Tips for Study Breaks”

There are two types of motivation: internal and external. I presume we all know what external motivation is: I will earn a lot of money; everyone will like me more, and I will finally eat this piece of cake that has been waiting in the fridge for a whole hour when I was studying. But internal, on the other hand, makes the process the goal itself.

Read more > “Matter of Motivation: 7 Tips That Do Help”

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