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tips and lifehacks for students of all ages!

Author: Iliana K

Reading and writing are essential skills that students mostly learn from school. Unfortunately, because of this, many students only associate it with the study environment, homework, and essays, which gives it a negative connotation. If you hang around as many youngsters as I do, you’ll notice that few teens get as excited about reading a book as they would about watching a show on Netflix or going to the movies.

Read more > “How to Get Teens Excited about Reading and Writing (Guest Post)”

2020 has been harsh on us for too many reasons. Was there even something good or worth a laugh? Any positive trends, not-canceled events, or statistics that are not about the numbers of infected? At BooksRun, we still strive to look positively at the year that’s almost behind (and honestly, we are also happy to wave it goodbye). We’ve compiled a non-exhaustive list of positive statistics and trends of 2020 to cheer you up and lift your spirits. Let’s remember 2020 for something positive and let it go away with our hopes for a better future! 

Read more > “Positive Statistics, Achievements, and Trends of 2020 in Review”

Black Friday season is all about managing your personal finances and staying on a budget. Finding your path in a sea of fantastic bargains can be a huge challenge, especially for a student with limited finances. Moreover, we often tend to overspend and end up buying what we don’t need. And while the trend for more conscious consumption dominates among consumers for a while now, all our mindfulness magically disappears when we see an attractive banner “40 percent off, today only.” 

Read more > “Black Friday on a Budget: 10 Money Spending Tips”

Have you checked if you are studying at a sustainable college? Maybe your study environment does not answer the latest recommendations on sustainable use of resources and does not promote green initiatives. Don’t despair too soon: as a student, you have plenty of possibilities to take action. This guide will help you make a difference: in your lifestyle, on campus, and in your community.

Read more > “A Guide to a Sustainable College: Take Action Right Now”

We often tend to grab something on the go to last between breakfast and dinner, and we call it a student lunch. It can be a chocolate bar, a sandwich, or even fast-food (holy moly). As students, we want our lunches to be quick to prepare, cheap, nutritious, and tasty. And it’s nonetheless possible to find a recipe that fits all these criteria! Below are some recipes that any student would appreciate.

Read more > “Student Lunch Ideas: Quick, Cheap, Nutritious, and Delicious!”

Hi there, it’s Tom!
How’s the academic year rolling? We’ve been talking a lot about used books and how profitable it is to sell college books back. But how does it work in reality? Can one really save money on textbooks? Let’s have a look at real numbers from the last year—they talk for themselves.

Read more > “How to Save $300 on Textbooks Every Term”

Reading is one of the most frequent learning activities you do while studying at college. But are you sure you read textbooks effectively enough? Although it seems like a very self-evident action—open and read—there are multiple ways to do it. Have you heard of SQ4R, P2R, or backward reading? Let’s dive in—we will tell you everything about these and other effective study techniques.

Read more > “Boost Your Learning from Textbooks with 5 Effective Study Techniques”

Can you think of any famous teachers and educators? Although these professionals often remain behind the scenes, their input deserves our attention. Many famous teachers stand behind multiple educational theories applied in modern schools, colleges, and qualification courses. They fought to make education an adjustable, democratic, and respectful environment, open for all learners. In this article, we’ll follow the professional path of five famous educators from different countries.

Read more > “Discover 5 Famous Teachers Who Made a Difference”

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