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Tag: creativity

According to the latest research in terms of what is driving people’s business acumen, it has been found that most successful entrepreneurs have higher levels of dopamine in their brains than other people. It is a sort of chemical tendency or a genetic deviation that brings two upgrades: it makes people more creative and enables them with extreme determination for achieving their goals and ability to bear risk in unpredicted situations. Below we will have a look at what makes up an entrepreneurial mind and how to make use of it.

Read more > “Do You Have Enough Dopamine to Be Entrepreneurial?”

Sure, being a college student isn’t one of the easiest things in the world. It’s definitely not like what we see in the movies, and it’s definitely not like high school. Even though we’re given the opportunity to create our own schedule, i.e choose which classes we want to take and at what time of the day, it doesn’t mean we’re guaranteed enough free time. We are tasked with keeping up with college homework, engaging in extracurricular activities, upholding our social life, trying to have a balanced diet, and attempting to have a consistent sleep schedule. Having all of this in mind, it would seem highly impossible to fit some kind of hobby or any creative activity into the list. But that’s not true.

Read more > “Maintaining Your Creativity While in College”