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Tag: freshmen tips

And now we are going back to college, after everything that the pandemic has brought on us. Although the pandemic is not over, the vaccine rollout makes our prospects of a relatively normal campus life more realistic. Nevertheless, we all share feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. We’re back to school, but not “back to normal” yet, if ever. 

Read more > “7 Valuable Tips on Going Back to College After the Pandemic”

Are you as thrilled before the start of the new academic year as I am? Especially for freshmen, summer is the best period to get ready for that first day at college. Your head might ache already from the amount of stuff you need to take care of: figure out your schedule, buy textbooks, set up a university account, connect to your future classmates… 

Read more > “College Freshman Checklist: 12 Things to Do This Summer”

It is the beginning of autumn! It’s the time for freshmen students to buy textbooks, learn about new dorm roommates, and simply get ready for college. Everyone facing this new experience does not really know what to expect. In order to make these years more memorable, you can engage in many activities which can expand your horizons and make your life more fun. You also should get ready to refute some of the myths about what it means to be a college student… And last but not least—how can one handle all that college homework and preserve your mental health? Let’s have a look at these tips prepared for you by BooksRun below!

Read more > “College Tips for Freshmen Students: on Your First Days on Campus, Homework, and Mental Health”

So, you just completed high school and are looking forward to College, huh? I bet you’re as excited as a clam at high water. The endless freedom, no more piles of homework, fun parties, and let’s not forget an awesome roommate who will end up being your partner in crime. Yes, so many things to look forward to. I bet you’ve seen enough movies and TV Shows that give the idea that college is gonna be the best 4 years of your life, but you shouldn’t get your hopes too high. Don’t get me wrong, your time in college is definitely gonna be an unforgettable one, but it’s always best to be prepared so that you don’t face utter heartbreaking disappointment. So here are a few expectations vs reality of starting college.

Read more > “College: Expectations vs Reality”

While many authors offer multiple techniques to teach you how to read faster and read more, not many actually help you be more productive. Being efficient depends on apprehending and remembering more out of all the information consumed. And you know how these days we spend our time receiving information from everywhere around us, as people and companies selfishly fight for our attention.

Read more > “How To Remember What You Read”

So the new semester is already here, and while it may indicate a promising and purely exciting time, it also (with no intent to upset you) is the time when you spend your savings and hope you still have some money left to spend with your friends. I mean, sure, the situation isn’t that somber for everyone, but the amount of money students spend on textbooks is just absurd. And the numbers are growing.

Read more > “Become Savvy in Your Upcoming Academic Year”