The Benefits of Unplugging: How Technology Influences Students

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Student Lifehacks
digital detox and benefits of unplugging

Studying without technology and gadgets is practically impossible nowadays, and it’s only logical that students tend to use their electronic devices with or without any cause. In general, studies show that young adults spend on screens more than seven hours every day, and this fact can’t help but affect their health and well-being—mostly negatively.

Technically, you can’t possibly stop using gadgets at all, as our whole lifestyle depends on them. However, you can learn how to manage your time more effectively and reduce the negative influence of screens on your eyesight and stress levels.

What’s So Scary about Spending Too Much Time on Devices? 

As we bend our necks all the time in order to look at smartphones or have a posture of a question mark when sitting on a chair, our spines suffer from constant pressure, and this may cause chronic back pain. Moreover, light from the screens interferes with the circadian biological clock, which induces a wide range of problems starting from sleep deprivation and ending with an inability to concentrate and aggressiveness. Constantly choosing technology over interaction with a real environment (such as simply taking a walk in the park) definitely doesn’t improve physical fitness.

Even though it seems that learning can’t be imaginable without e-books and online reference materials, one can still “unplug” even within a study routine. You can harness the power of print in this digital world and turn to hard copies of your college books. And here, we share tips on how to get your textbooks cheap.

What Are the Benefits of Unplugging?

If you want your brain to develop creativity skills and grow some new cells, you need to give it time outside of work, study, and constant pressure. Relaxation and a change of scenery will help you find other ways of stimulating your thinking process. Scientists say that unplugging and just paying attention to nature and the small details around you can also improve your mood.

Health benefits are quite obvious: reduced back and neck pain, fewer chances of developing eyesight and obesity-related problems, and a better physical state. Quality sleep without distractions would improve your study productivity and, according to studies, even increase life expectancy.

To put it briefly, spending a couple of hours a day without gadgets would make your life much less stressful. You may use this time to replace the illusion of communication on social media with real communication or just switch off and do what you like—just not online.

Does your room have that dusty shelf with college textbooks that you no longer use? Get some cash easily and quickly by selling them on!

Iliana K