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Tag: Download Literature

1. Have you ever wondered how print came to be?

It all dates back to the 2nd century when the Chinese started using wooden blocks to print images of flowers on silk. However, only from the 7th century, they began printing on paper, and the first-ever complete printed book, called the Diamond Sutra, was created in 868AD. The art of printing soon spread to other countries like Europe, Korea, Japan, and at the same time emerged various ideas and modifications to improve the technique of printing.

Read more > “The Power of Print for Learning in a Digital World”

A lot of science students (and not only) often complain about why they have literature added to their curriculum, especially considering the fact that it has absolutely nothing to do with their major. They may see it as a waste of time or additional workload with no benefits in the future. This is completely understandable from their point of view, but if we were to look at it from an entirely different angle perhaps we could ease our mindset into seeing the importance of literature in our everyday lives.

Read more > “Legal Sites to Download Literature From”