How to Mentally Prepare for an Exam

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Student Lifehacks
preparing for an exam

The exam session is slowly creeping up on us… It’s that time of the year again when all our hard work from the semester will be put to the test. Our thoughts are preoccupied, preventing us from getting a good night’s sleep. We have so much to read but so little time! Any slip-up, and there might be consequences! But hey, don’t let that bum you out. We’ve taken our time to list out some tips on how to mentally prepare for an exam. Check them out.

How to Mentally Prepare for a Test—Don’t Panic

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. There’s panic in the air; mountains of textbooks are piling on top of our table, and several unwashed coffee mugs and pizza boxes are lying on the ground. The usual 8 hours of sleep seems like nothing more than a myth now. If you’re a student just like me, it’s safe to say that we both agree on one fact: this is the period that brings the most stress in college student’s life! However, this is also not the time to panic. Panicking never helps. Neither is waiting until the last minute to pick up a book and finally start studying. Although some students may have mastered the widespread art of cramming at the last minute, not everyone can thrive using such a method. But hey, don’t sweat it! We’ve taken our time to list some tips we’re sure will motivate and assist you in preparing for an exam. So kick back, relax, and start studying!

Preparing for an Exam—Confirm the Schedule

How to Mentally Prepare for an Exam 1
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What should you do to mentally and emotionally prepare for a test? Before the start of any exam session, the timetable is always available and easily accessible. Some colleges choose to arrange exam dates so that they give certain gaps before the exam so that students have the time to prepare for it. Meanwhile, in other colleges, exams might be scheduled daily. Don’t wait until the last minute to learn what exam you’re going to have, and when and where it will take place. If the timetable happens to be unavailable, ask your classmates, teachers, or anyone! Just don’t stay clueless because scrambling to find this information as the exam draws near will only increase your nervousness and make things worse.

You Gotta Have a Plan

designing a plan when preparing for an exam
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Okay, so now you know when your exams are scheduled. That’s the first step in your mental preparation for exams. Having that at the back of your mind, you need to draw your own timetable. Don’t forget to buy or rent all the necessary exam prep materials and study guides: these textbooks are never a waste of money. These books provide you with essential topics for an exam and “check yourself” quizzes and suggest a nice study plan. You can implement it as you find it in your CPA exam textbooks, for example, or modify it to fit your schedule and learning styles.

This will also help sort out your time management. Plan an estimate of how many hours a day you’re willing to dedicate to studying. Some students can go four hours in a row, and some can even pull off an all-nighter, but that doesn’t mean you should do the same. Everyone’s different and has a certain method of learning from textbooks that works for them. If you’re not used to studying at all, then it might be difficult to get into the habit, so start little by little. For instance, you could dedicate 45 minutes of your time to studying once a day, and then as time goes by, you should try adding a few more minutes to it. Before you know it, you’re already studying for 2 hours in a row. Don’t hesitate to keep adding more minutes (even hours) to your study time. The process of studying goes a lot faster and more effectively if you’re dedicated to it, focus on your work, and avoid procrastination.

Sleep Is Essential

sleep is essential when preparing for an exam
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Ask yourself again, “How to mentally prepare for exams?” One does not simply underestimate the importance of sleep, especially during exam sessions. Sadly, this is something we students don’t tend to take seriously. Everyone is too preoccupied trying to study as much as they can that they basically forget to listen to their body. It’s a known fact that fatigued brains don’t retain information, nor do they recall information at all. You would pretty much be wasting your time trying to study while you’re feeling sleepy. One effective way to boost your preparation for the exam is to adhere to a reasonable sleep schedule. Don’t deprive yourself of healthy sleep by sticking to an all-coffee diet or trying to pull off an all-nighter. After waking up, you’re bound to feel refreshed, relaxed, and ready to continue studying from where you left off.

Organize Study Groups with Friends

study group of college students preparing for an exam
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How to mentally prepare for studying? Do it with your friends! Nothing beats studying together in a group, especially when you’re with a group of people you feel comfortable with. Studying together has proved to be more effective than studying alone. When you study with other people, you can exchange ideas and gain new ones. You may have questions that they have the answers to and vice versa. Also, explaining an answer to them makes your knowledge deeper and highlights the areas you need to work on more. As long as you stay focused on the topic for an agreed amount of time, studying in a group can be one of the most effective ways to challenge yourself.

Last but not Least, Stay Positive!

Now you know how to get ready for exams. Positivity is the key! Keep in mind that exam sessions don’t last long. As long as you study to the best of your abilities, you will be fine, and this shall pass. It’ll be over soon, and you’ll be able to finally kick back, relax, and enjoy the summer. These warm, positive thoughts will help see you through the session. Good luck!

Irene Davis