9781526176158-1526176157-James Baldwin Review: Volume 9

James Baldwin Review: Volume 9

ISBN-13: 9781526176158
ISBN-10: 1526176157
Author: Dwight McBride, Douglas Field, Justin Joyce
Publication date: 2023
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Format: Paperback 216 pages
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Book details

ISBN-13: 9781526176158
ISBN-10: 1526176157
Author: Dwight McBride, Douglas Field, Justin Joyce
Publication date: 2023
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Format: Paperback 216 pages


James Baldwin Review: Volume 9 (ISBN-13: 9781526176158 and ISBN-10: 1526176157), written by authors Dwight McBride, Douglas Field, Justin Joyce, was published by Manchester University Press in 2023. With an overall rating of 3.5 stars, it's a notable title among other books. You can easily purchase or rent James Baldwin Review: Volume 9 (Paperback) from BooksRun, along with many other new and used books and textbooks. And, if you're looking to sell your copy, our current buyback offer is $0.52.
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